MHC Lighting Presets & Hololens2

In my research project with Lucy Bryant of the UTS Speech Pathology Department we are seeing how viable it is to use Epic Unreal’s Metahumans in combination with the  Hololens 2 for therapy.  Previous apps that have run on headsets, while intriguing and interesting for patients, have had the feedback that the ‘uncanny valley‘ feeling … Read more

Unreal and Hololens 2 – Step 6 Making your scene interactive

Again I am following the Microsoft tutorial, just adding in extra screen grabs to help solidify the process in my mind. For the original tutorial, look here   Spawning Hand Interaction Actors   I’m not going to tell you about the kinds of hand interactions you can do in Hololens 2 because I’m assuming … Read more

Unreal and Hololens 2 – Step 5 Set Up for Mixed Reality

Again I am following the Microsoft tutorial, just adding in extra screen grabs to help solidify the process in my mind. For the original tutorial, look here   Add The Session Asset To use a session, you need an ARSessionConfig data asset to work with. To create one of these go to your Content … Read more

Unreal and Hololens 2 – Step 1 Set Up

I am following the microsoft Chess app tutorial as I do this – adding in screen grabs for extra information for proper nubies, so for the original instructions go to microsoft   Before starting   have the following PROGRAMS installed. Unreal Engine 4.26 or later  Microsoft HoloLens 2 device configured for development or Emulator Visual Studio 2019 … Read more