I get a lot of questions from parents that are answered on this page so please make sure you have read all the FAQs carefully before you decide to submit an Expression Of Interest
Q: When are the EOIs available
A: Term 1 2025: EOIs are available on the 18th November
Term 2 2025: EOIs are available on the 10th March
Q: How long does each course go for?
A: Each course description page has the start and end date specified as well as the total number of weeks. Look at each one individually throughout the year for details.
Q: What are the days and times of each course?
A: YEARS 3-6 are on Mondays from 3pm to 4.30pm.
YEARS KINDY-2 are on Tuesdays from 3pm to 4.15pm.
Q: How Much Does it Cost?
Approximately $180 depending on the course. HOWEVER each term is different and depends on the total number of weeks. Please check the individual course details – IT WILL ALWAYS BE SPECIFIED.
Term 1 2025
Years 1-2 — 9 week course $180
Years 3-6 — 9 week course $180
Term 2 2025
Years 1-2 — 9 week course $180
Years 3-6 — 8 week course $160
Q: What type of activities do the K-2 Group do?
Ball skills involving but not limited to catching and throwing small and large balls, modified javelins and discus, kicking and dribbling soccer balls, shooting netballs.
Jumping skills involving but not limited to jump rope, mini hurdles, tall hurdles, scissors high jumping, standing long jumps, hopping, skipping on 1 foot, double foot jumps and double foot squat jumps.
Balance, coordination and agility skills involving but not limited to balance beams, agility poles, bending and connecting items, agility hoops and ladders, stepping stones, tricky triangles, forward rolls and crawling under obstacles.
The final skill is running sprints, hurdle relays and in the cooler terms (2-4) the Luna Park run has been added to improve overall cardio fitness. This was developed after lock down and parents were concerned about their athlete’s fitness. It became very popular and is now a permanent part of the session.
Q: Why Don’t You Take Kindergarten Students in Term 1?
A: Schools advise you to let your children settle into school without the added pressure of becoming accustomed to other new activities at the same time. I support that. Once they are settled into school they are free to apply. That is usually by the start of term 2.
Q: Can I use my Active Kids Voucher to Pay?
A: No. Athletics at Erskineville Public School is exclusive to the students who attend the school, therefore Erko Athletics can not be approved as an Active Kids provider. Activities must be accessible by all age appropriate members of the general public to be approved as an Active Kids Provider.
Q: What if my child needs to go to Gowrie Aftercare?
A: I can sign your child into Gowrie Aftercare at the end of the session. In the Expression of Interest Form simply tick the correct radio button. Then you must give Gowrie written permission to allow me to sign them in.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If you give me instructions to sign your child into Gowrie Aftercare at the end of the sessions then it is a legal requirement of my Duty of Care that I do this unless you give me written permission to allow your child to leave straight from Athletics with someone, even yourself. If you forget then I must sign your child into Gowrie Aftercare and then the person picking up your child must sign them out of Gowrie Aftercare.
Q: Can siblings come along and watch?
A: No. Only athletes enrolled in a session are permitted in the lower playground and only students in Gowrie Aftercare or an After School Activity are permitted on school grounds outside of school hours. If you need care for other children please contact Gowrie Aftercare.
Q: How Many Athletes are in Each Group.
A: YEARS 3-6 Monday sessions : 16-24
YEARS KINDY-2 Tuesday sessions : 12-24
There may be less in each group depending on the assessed needs of the group each term
Q: Can I join up my child for the whole year?
A: No. Each term is a new short course and requires anyone who is interested to submit an Expression of Interest. There will be a new group of athletes each term.
Q: Is Everyone Given a Placement in the Group?
A: Not always. Usually there are more athletes interested in joining than spots available.
Q: How are Placements Decided?
A: Many factors need to be considered when offering placements in each course and they will differ every term. Influencing considerations include but are not limited to:
- The number one consideration is SAFETY. If any athlete behaves in such a way as to pose a danger to the health, safety or wellbeing of any person, whether actual, perceived or threatened OR they cause significant damage or destruction of property OR they engage in behaviour that vilifies, defames, degrades or humiliates another person then they will be permanently expelled from my sessions.
- The second consideration involves the needs of the group as a whole and the needs of individual athletes and how these needs can be met while running the sessions in the safest way possible.
- Behaviour of athletes in previous sessions including but not limited to the respect they showed to both coach and other athletes, genuine interest displayed in the activities, focus, listening skills and cooperation.
- Attitude and behaviour parents/carers – both positive and negative.
- Attendance in previous sessions – have athletes missed a lot of sessions?
- The number of sessions athletes have previously been involved in.
Q: If my child is part of the group this term, will they be guaranteed a spot or given priority/preference each term.
A: No these Athletics sessions are short courses which are only run for the length of one term only. There is a strict limit to the number of athletes in each group. Giving exclusive access to a small number of students to an activity for the entire year is not the aim of my sessions. We all want our kids to try out as many different sports and activities as possible, but to do that they must be given the opportunity. That is why every course is advertised with a start and an end date and a total number of weeks. It is a condition of submitting an Expression of Interest that you acknowledge and agree to this.
Q: Will you put on more classes or classes on different days?
A: No. The P&C avoid conflicting after school activities and there is no other day available..
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