Kids’ Book Review – 12 Curly Questions

Thank you Kids’ Book Review for giving me the chance to answer your very curly questions. 4. Describe your writing style in ten words. Littered in abundance with spelling mistakes and extensive grammatical errors. See the rest of the questions and answers here  

Sydney Morning Herald – Books That Changed Me

I was lucky enough to write about four books that changed me for the Sydney Morning Herald this week. “You know that book, the one you read when you first become jealous of the writer? Well this is that one. “ Find out which book I’m talking about and read the full article here.

Inner West Courier Inner City

Sarah Sharples conducted my first ever interview. “All throughout history there have always been children who have had to face struggles of war, who have been displaced, left without parents and been locked in somewhere or locked out of somewhere, yet they grow up and make a life and they can be resilient and they … Read more